Aerial View
Huanggang Port is a new urban development along Shenzhen river, connecting Hong Kong and Shenzhen, catering towards scientific research and advancement. The park lies adjacent to Huanggang port, which is a public-restricted zone that served as a principle-limiting factor for the site. In response to it, a loop canal has been proposed to encapsulate the park on both sides of the river.
In Collaboration with Guallart Architects
Location Honk Kong | China
Type Competition
Program Masterplan
Size 100,000 SQM
Aerial View
Satellite View
The canal serves as a buffer zone between the park and the city, while also providing vast potentials for natural development in the area providing research opportunities. Extending from the canal and into the urban fabric of the project, are various ponds, smaller canals, and water features. The infestation of life into the master plan was designed to enhance fisheries, flora, and fauna development, expanding furthermore the fields of possible research. Complementing that is the electrical transport system in the area and the pedestrian-friendly urban layouts.
Skyline Views
Aerial View
The masterplan as a whole has been designed as a single superblock, a living being, constructed out of wood with public spaces extending in all directions. Flora infests the buildings, structures, and open spaces, served by the water canal-like blood veins. Resting in those structures is a scientific campus, with all its labs, halls, and services, designed holistically to accommodate a variety of scientific fields and adapt with future advancements.
Plaza View
Floor Plans
Project Diagram